“Elon Musk and Steve Jobs are both known for their seemingly mystical power to distort reality. What gives them this ability isn’t a quirk of a charismatic leader; it’s a learnable skill called storytelling.
The better at storytelling someone is, the more that readers and listeners are transported to a whole new world. According to studies conducted on this transportation phenomenon, great stories alter beliefs, result in the loss of access to real-world facts, evoke emotions, and significantly reduce ability to detect inaccuracies. To understand this phenomenon, you don’t need to look any further than your own personal experience desperately rooting for an immortal, time-traveling mutant in X-Men or another equally impossible character and plot from your favorite movie.
To understand how to develop this storytelling superpower and use it for good, I interviewed 11 top online storytellers who collectively generate hundreds of millions of pageviews every month and asked them to share the secrets of how they craft stories.”
Why Success Depends on Your Ability to Tell Stories
October 13, 2016 |
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Michael Simmons
" 11 Ways Remarkable Storytellers Create Reality Distortion Fields How to sell your ideas, products, and vision like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs."
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